Since 2009, there have been nearly 4000 crashes in Vermont related to vehicles crossing the highway centerline.
These crashes have resulted in 94 fatalities and over 1700 injuries.
Everywhere. VTrans is considering the installation of centerline rumble stripes on every State Highway, either in conjunction with another improvement project or as a standalone project.
Examples of other States with centerline rumble stripes: NY, WI, ME
We Are Installing Centerline Rumble Stripes Because They…
- Reduce head-on and opposite direction sideswipe crashes
- Reduce run-off-road crashes where vehicles cross the centerline
- Reduce lane drift due to distracted/fatigued driving
- Reduce speed and off-tracking on curves
- Improve centerline visibility in wet pavement conditions
- Provide enhanced guidance in fog and snow
Centerline Rumble Stripes Are Considered Where…
- Pavement width is 28 feet or greater (minimum of 3-foot paved shoulder)
- Speed limit is 45 mph or higher
- Average Daily Traffic is 1500 vehicles per day or greater
- The above criteria are not met, but the crash history indicates a pattern of head-on, sideswipe, or single vehicle crashes
Centerline Rumble Stripes Are Discontinued Where There Are…
- Centerline breaks (ex. intersections and railroad crossings)
- Closely spaced residences within 100 feet of centerline
- Raised medians
- Two way left turn lanes (TWTL)
- Closely spaced commercial drives with high volume turning traffic
- Narrow bridges
- Bridges or concrete roadways with less than 2.5” of pavement