Intelligent Transportation Systems apply high technology and computer power to our current highway, traffic, and transit systems. These systems have the potential to solve future problems of increases in population, traffic congestion, and less land for new roads. Intelligent Transportation Systems produce faster, safer travel.
The Transportation Operations Center is the communications base for the Agency and facilitates radio communications throughout the state. Weather, storm alerts, and road conditions are transmitted to the Agency regularly and the media is kept informed of road conditions as well.
511VT - Provides up-to-date reports regarding road conditions, road construction and weather. This system can be accessed via the internet at:
Road Weather Information System (RWIS) - VTrans has a number of RWIS stations located throughout the state. These stations may be accessed via the 511VT website. They provide information about pavement conditions such as surface temperature, types of precipitation on the roads, atmospheric weather data, and also provides camera images of the roads.