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Estimating the Effects of Smart Growth Strategies on VMT and GHG Emissions in Vermont

Brief Project Description:

The Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) targets an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below 1990 levels by 2050. Given transportation makes up the largest share of GHG emissions in the state, the Climate Action Plan identifies reduction of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) as a key pathway to achieving the GWSA targets and recognizes the need to quantify the potential for smart growth strategies to reduce VMT and GHG. This project has leveraged big data to understand how compact, mixed-use development in Vermont affects VMT, GHG emissions, and other VMT reduction co-benefits (i.e. health, safety, and reduced maintenance costs) compared to more dispersed development patterns.



Fact Sheet     Presentation     Other     Q&A

Presenter: Karen Sentoff, VHB

Contact: Karen Sentoff, VHB,

VTrans Project Page