Refer to the map below for the location of upcoming exit sign changes. Routes that will undergo this change include: I‐89, I‐91, I‐93, US‐4, US‐7, VT 289
As required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) the Vermont Agency of Transportation will add milepoint information below select interchange guide signs on Vermont interstates and limited access highways in 2020. The plaques will display the milepoint exit number as required by FHWA. These signs will be paid for with 100% federal funds.
Construction 2020
Why is this Being Done?
Nationwide, states have been working toward milepoint based exit numbering on the interstate system, as required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Vermont and some neighboring states will be among the last to change to this method of numbering highways.
What are the Benefits?
Milepoint based exit numbers enable more accurate location reporting of crashes, breakdowns, road debris, and other highway situations. This allows for quicker response times for emergency services, law enforcement, and highway crews.