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Best Management Practices

The Pollution Prevention and Compliance Program develops, implements, and integrates policy, protocol, guidelines, and best management practices to provide consistency and efficiencies on how we maintain compliance under many regulatory programs statewide and how we address routine operation and maintenance activities performed on a yearly basis to preserve the integrity of the approximately 15,000 miles of roadway in this state requiring yearly maintenance.

There are a number of objectives for creating best management practices that address a variety of program elements:

  • Create consistent operations and maintenance requirements throughout the State;
  • Form the basis for contractor specifications;
  • Limit activities only to those areas where operation and maintenance activities are necessary for the safety of the traveling public and long-term infrastructure protection;
  • Schedule activities to maximize benefit and minimize cost;
  • Create mechanisms and standards for addressing environmentally sensitive areas, riparian areas, steep slopes, wetlands, rare and endangered species and their habitats, unique natural areas, and wildlife habitats;
  • Create provisions for areas of special treatment;
  • Foster long term sustainable landscapes;
  • Preserve the scenic qualities of the corridor to the extent practicable, while maintaining environmental stewardship and conserving resources;

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VTrans Maintenance & Operations related Best Management Practices include:

Bridge Washing


Emerald Ash Borer Ash Tree Management Plan (EAB)

Hazard Tree Cutting Environmental Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)


Roadside Terrestrial Invasive Plants 

Salt, Sand, Street & Catch Basin Sediment & Disposal Certification