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On-The-Job Training Program


Check out the current On-The-Job training positions in Vermont!OJTProjects.pdf

We may have the perfect opportunity for you if are interested in:

  • Working outside in a physically demanding job

  • Building a new bridge or roadway with a crew of hard-working people

  • Making a livable wage and earning overtime pay

  • Starting or advancing your career in highway construction

The On-The-Job Training (OJT) is an Equal Employment Opportunity affirmative action program. Primary objectives include training and upgrading of minorities and women toward journeyman status and increasing opportunities for populations who are underrepresented in Vermont's highway construction industry. 

Eligible candidates must be a woman, minority and/or disadvantaged person. A disadvantaged person is defined as someone who is participating in a Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) program through a state Department of Labor. The disadvantaged person must meet the WIOA “priority populations” eligibility requirements. Candidates must also be at least 18 years old.

Every spring and summer we have paid training positions available on highway construction projects all over the state. Successful trainees usually have some experience or a strong interest in highway construction. The typical OJT position is 520 hours, but our goal is for trainees to become permanent, valued members of the contractor's workforce. See the OJT Program Manual for more information.

We have many positions available statewide for the current construction season and look forward to working with a new cohort of trainees! Let us know if you have any questions!

Interested in applying for a position?

Complete our secure online application. You should receive a confirmation email once you submit it. Please be aware that sometimes those confirmation messages end up in Junk email boxes. Contact Karen at (802) 917-8388 if you have difficulties with the application.

Once we receive your completed application, we will:

  • Work closely with you to decide if this is the right industry for you;

  • If it is, we will match your skills and interests to the needs of our paving, bridge, and roadway projects; and

  • Refer you to a highway construction firm for a job interview.

If you become an OJT, we will provide:

  • Ongoing support while you are in the program;

  • Personal protective equipment like steel-toed boots and reflective clothing (if needed); and

  • Access to low-cost highway construction related training through our subsidy program.

For the purpose of diversifying the workforce in highway construction, the term "minority" refers to women of any ethnicity and men of any ethnicity group that have historically faced discrimination or systemic socio-economic disadvantage, so much that there is a noticeable lack of diversity in the industry. The program is funded by the Federal Highway Administration and is a direct result of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, for the purpose of advancing non-discrimination and creating equal opportunity.

For more information contact:
Karen Brouillette
Civil Rights Program Manager
Tel: (802) 917-8388