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Statutes and VTrans Resources

State Law Concerning Public Highways
Vermont State Statutes Online Title 19: Highways, State of Vermont Legislature

Handbook for Local Officials
This guide is produced by VTrans and is designed to assist local officials in the State of Vermont. Much of this handbook contains practical, day-to-day information concerning the contents of Title 19. Orange Book Local Officials Handbook

Current Rates of Reimbursement for the Town Highway Grant Program
This lists the rates of appropriation for Class 1, 2, and 3 town highways. This appropriation is directed by Title 19, specifically 19 V.S.A. § 306.
Town Highway Grant Program Current Rates

Specific Reimbursement for Each Town for the Town Highway Grant Program
This provides the actual $ amount of appropriation for each town for the fiscal year.
Town Highway Grant Program Town Lookup

Act 63 of 1974 - An Act to Amend 19 V.S.A. Relating to Town Highways
This act established the base of the town highway classification system in use today, specifically, the differentiation between Class 3 and Class 4 town highways. It went into effect on July 1, 1974.

Act 178 of 2006 - An Act Relating to Unidentified Corridors
On July 1, 2006, Act 178 went into effect, which added additional requirements to towns for the accounting of mileage and mapping of Class 4 Town Highways and Legal Trails, along with other substantial modifications to Chapters 3 and 7 of Title 19 – Highways of the Vermont Statutes Annotated.

1992 policy on State Numbered Town Highways
1992 Policy on State Numbered Town Highways

Other State Resources

Vermont State Archives -- Maps / Plans Database
Lotting maps and plans, circa 1760's-1810.
Vermont State Archives - Maps and Plans

Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI)
VCGI is a division of the Agency of Digital Services charged by the State of Vermont with assisting the Vermont GIS community as well as anyone interested in geospatial technology or mapping. VCGI took over the acquisition and distribution of Vermont's digital base map orthophotography program as well the archiving and distribution of other digital imagery and raster data of interest to Vermont stakeholders.

Vermont Open Geodata Portal
Vermont GIS data and imagery are available through the Vermont Open Geodata Portal
(direct links below to selected VTrans data products).

VTrans Road Centerlines
VTrans Road Centerline Spatial Data User Guide

VTrans Long Structures
VTrans Short Structures
Bridge Inspection Manual

Vermont Local Roads Program
The Vermont Local Roads Program is part of the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), a national non-profit effort financed jointly by the Federal Highway Administration and individual State Departments of Transportation. Its purpose is to provide road and bridge know-how to municipal people involved with highways.
Vermont Local Roads Program