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About the Project

LVRT Management Plan

With the completion of the 93 miles of trail in the Spring of 2023, the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail (LVRT) will be a year-round recreational facility that will draw residents and visitors alike to northern Vermont. 

As use of the LVRT increases and as responsibility for trail management shifted from VAST to VTrans in July 2022, it was important for VTrans to have a clear plan for effectively managing and maintaining the LVRT into the future.   As such, VTrans engaged stakeholders in a robust planning process to develop a comprehensive Management Plan, identifying a cohesive vision for the trail and detailing the management and maintenance strategies to be employed into the future. 

The Management Plan identified ways the LVRT can spur or complement economic development efforts, improve user experience, provide connections to other existing and planned facilities, connect to communities along its length, and offer a range of transportation options, while establishing necessary asset maintenance and operational procedures to ensure the trails continued enjoyment for years to come.

The plan can be viewed here: Lamoille Valley Rail Trail Management Plan

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Contact Us

Elisabeth Sundberg
Public Information Consultant