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The Impact of the Use of Geofoam Adjacent to the Back Walls on the Design of Foundation Piles in Integral Abutment Bridges (IABs)

Brief Project Description: Integral abutment bridges (IABs) are indeterminate framed structures interacting with the soil behind the back walls and the soil surrounding the piles. The thermal loading is a major contributor to the stress in the superstructure and substructure of IABs. The biggest uncertainty in the analysis and design of IABs is the reaction of soil behind the abutment walls and next to the foundation piles. In many long span IABs the soil adjacent to the back wall is replaced by Geofoam to allow the back wall to move more freely to reduce stresses in the girders and the back wall. This, however, adversely affects the foundation piles. There has not been any significant study on the impact of Geofoam on foundation piles and there is a need for such studies.


Fact Sheet:

IAB 2023 Fact Sheet

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Lead Researcher (Similar to Presenter in past Symposiums): Susan Faraji,


VTrans Champion: James Lacroix