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Work will include milling to a depth of 2", surface preparation, then paving with a 1/2” layer of leveling course and a 1-1/2” wearing course. Additionally, some guardrail work will be performed to repair and replace damaged sections to bring full runs into compliance with the current standards. Finally, shoulder berms that have built up will be removed to facilitate better drainage from the road surface.

For questions/concerns regarding this project, or to receive weekly project updates, email Stephanie Barrett, Public Information Consultant, at or call 802-399-7847.

Resurfacing I-89 - Brookfield-Montpelier

The Vermont Agency of Transportation, in conjunction with Pike Industries, is resurfacing multiple segments of Interstate 89 from Brookfield to Montpelier, VT. The project will include the associated exit ramps, resulting in a total project length of 15.468 miles and total roadway length of 15.6 miles.  


Stay safe and buckle up!

This week ending 11/30/23: Removed all traffic signs and barrels associated with the lane closure packages throughout the project and removed the permanent construction signs.

This project is shut down for the 2023 construction season. Due to the early snow, there will be some additional punch list items to be completed in the spring of 2024.

I89 Brookfield_Montpelier

Completed paving

This week ending 11/22/23: Completed cleaning out of the drainage structures; Punch list items.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning November 27, 2023:

Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.:

  • Complete punch list items.
  • Removal of construction signage.

This week ending 11/17/23: Completed the removal of the temporary tape throughout the project; Completed the installation of new delineators at the ends of the guardrail runs; Completed the installation of rumble strips; Pavement markings to be complete by the end of day tomorrow; Began cleaning out the drainage structures.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning November 20, 2023:

Monday and Tuesday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Wednesday 6 a.m. to noon:

  • Complete the removal of the temporary pavement markings throughout the project limits.
  • Continue project cleanup and punch list item work.
  • Continue cleaning out drainage structures throughout the project limits.

Thursday and Friday:

  • No work due to the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

I89 markings

Installation of pavment markings on I-89 NB

This week ending 11/10/23: Completed placing shoulder material on I-89 northbound shoulders, U-Turns and Exit Ramps; Began removal of the temporary pavement markings and delineators throughout the project; Installation of new delineators at the ends of the guardrail runs; Began installation of rumble strips.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning November 13, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Complete the remove the temporary pavement markings and delineators throughout the project limits.
  • Completion of permanent pavement markings.
  • Completion of all guardrail work.
  • Completion of the rumble strips throughout the project limits.
  • Begin cleanup work throughout the project limits.

This week ending 11/03/23: Completed the final wearing course of pavement on Tuesday. Continued placing material on the edge of pavement on I-89 northbound shoulders, U-Turns and Exit Ramps; Completed paving the U-Turns; Continued installing pavement marking.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning November 6, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue placing shoulder material on I-89 northbound shoulders, U-Turns and Exit Ramps between Exit 6 and Exit 8.
  • Remove the temporary pavement markings and delineators throughout the project limits
  • Installation of new delineators at the ends of the guardrail runs.
  • Completion of final pavement markings and rumble strips.

I89 NB Paving

I-89 NB Paving continues

This week ending 10/27/23: Continued paving final wearing course with an anticipated completion by end of day Saturday, October 28, 2023; Began placing material on the edge of pavement on I-89 northbound shoulders, U-Turns and Exit Ramps up to Exit 6; Completed joint work on all bridges throughout the project limits.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning October 30, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • If necessary and weather permitting, complete final paving of I-89 northbound.
  • Continue placing shoulder material on I-89 northbound shoulders, U-Turns and Exit Ramps from Exit 6 to Exit 8.
  • Complete paving U-Turns (3 remaining).
  • Installation of new delineators at the ends of the guardrail runs.
  • Installation of final pavement markings and rumble strips.

I89 Shoulders

I-89 Shoulder work

This week ending 10/20/23:Continued paving final wearing course and should be complete to Exit 7 along with Exits 5 and 6 on/off ramps and U-Turns at Exit 6 by end of day tomorrow; Completed shoulder clean-up work; Guardrail repair work will be complete; Completed joint work on Bridge #34N; Paved the U-Turns from the south end of the project to Exit 5.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning October 23, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Weather permitting, continue final paving (wearing course) between Exit 7 and Exit 8.
  • Begin placing shoulder material throughout the project limits.
  • Begin the installation of rumble strips at the south end of the project.
  • Bridge joint work on the bridges at Exits 5 & 6.

I-89 U-Turn paving

I-89 U-Turn paving

This week ending 10/13/23: Continued paving final wearing course and should be complete to north of Exit 6 by end of day tomorrow; Continued shoulder clean-up work north of Exit 7; Guardrail repair work continued throughout the project; Completed joint work on Bridge #34N; Placed final pavement markings on the south end of the project to Exit 5.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning October 16, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Weather permitting, continue final paving (wearing course) between Exit 6 and Exit 8 along with Exits 5 & 6 on/off ramps later in the week.
  • Continue guardrail repair work.
  • Shoulder cleanup to resume north of Exit 7.
  • Bridge joint work on the bridges at Exits 5 & 6.

i89 BR34N

Installation of asphalt on Bridge 34N plug joints

This week ending 10/6/23: Continued paving final wearing course working north. Completed the final wearing course of pavement on the Exit 7 on & off ramps; Completed adjusting the drainage structures throughout the project; Guardrail repair work continued throughout the project.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning October 9, 2023:


  • No work due to the Columbus / Indigenous Peoples' Day holiday.

Tuesday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Weather permitting, continue final paving (wearing course) between Exit 5 and Exit 7 along with the U-Turns throughout the project limits.
  • Continue guardrail repair work.
  • Shoulder work to resume north of Exit 7.

I-89 Paving Brookfield-Montplier

Continued paving final wearing course north of Exit 5

This week ending 9/29/23: Continued paving final wearing course from the southern end of the project. Wearing course will be completed south of Exit 5 tomorrow; Continued adjusting the drainage structures throughout the project; Guardrail repair work continued throughout the project with two crews working.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning October 1, 2023:

Sunday, October 1, 2023 Exit 7 northbound On/Off Ramp Closures for shoulder work and paving operations:

  • Exit 7 Off Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until paving operations are completed. Traffic will follow a signed detour on I-89 northbound to turn around at Exit 9, then get on I-89 southbound to Exit 7.
  • Exit 7 On Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until work is completed. Traffic will follow a signed detour to I-89 southbound to Exit 5 to turn around and get onto I-89 northbound to Exit 7.
  • Both Exit 7 ramps will be opened by 6:00 a.m. on Monday, October 2, 2023.

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue final paving (wearing course) from Exit 5 proceeding north to Exit 7.
  • Continue guardrail repair work.
  • Shoulder work to resume north of Exit 7.

I-89 Paving Brookfield-Montplier

Continued paving final wearing course north of Exit 5

This week ending 9/18/23: Continued paving final wearing course from the southern end of the project to Exit 5; Continued adjusting the drainage structures from the southern end of the project to Exit 6. Due to the weather, the work on the Exit 7 ramps has been postponed until Sunday, October 1, 2023.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning September 25, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue final paving (wearing course) from Exit 5 proceeding north.
  • Continue guardrail repair work north of Exit 5.
  • Continue adjusting the drainage structures from Exit 6 proceeding north.

Sunday, October 1, 2023 Exit 7 northbound On/Off Ramp Closures for shoulder work and paving operations:

  • Exit 7 Off Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until paving operations are completed. Traffic will follow a signed detour on I-89 northbound to turn around at Exit 9, then get on I-89 southbound to Exit 7.
  • Exit 7 On Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until work is completed. Traffic will follow a signed detour to I-89 southbound to Exit 5 to turn around and get onto I-89 northbound to Exit 7.
  • Both Exit 7 ramps will be opened by 6:00 a.m. on Monday, October 2, 2023.

I89 Structure Adj

Drainage structure work to adjust height to final pavement level

This week ending 9/18/23: Completed the leveling course of pavement throughout the project (except ramps); Began final paving of the wearing course and will continue paving through Saturday this week; The bridges at Exits 5 and 6 interchanges were fine milled;Continued guardrail work; Began adjusting the drainage structures throughout the project limits.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning September 18, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue final paving (wearing course) south of Exit 6 working north.
  • Continue guardrail repair work between Exit 5 and Exit 7.
  • Adjustment of the drainage structures throughout the project.

Sunday, September 24, 2023 Exit 7 northbound On/Off Ramp Closures for shoulder work and paving operations:

  • Exit 7 Off Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until paving operations are completed. Traffic will follow a signed detour on I-89 northbound to turn around at Exit 9, then get on I-89 southbound to Exit 7.
  • Exit 7 On Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until work is completed. Traffic will follow a signed detour to I-89 southbound to Exit 5 to turn around and get onto I-89 northbound to Exit 7.
  • Both Exit 7 ramps will be opened by 6:00 a.m. on Monday, September 25, 2023.

I-89 Brookfield-Montpelier

Final pavement (wearing course) of the 10' shoulder on the southern end of the project

This week ending 9/10/23: Completed the milling of the 10' shoulder between Exit 5 and 8; Continued guardrail work; Continued shoulder work up to Exit 7; Weather permitting, the U-Turns will be paved tomorrow at the south end of the project; Weather permitting, paving of the 10' shoulder beginning at Exit 5, to take place tomorrow and Saturday.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning September 11, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Weather permitting, complete paving the leveling course in the travel lane between Exits 7 and 8
  • Weather permitting, complete paving the 10' shoulder between Exits 5 & 8, if they don't get completed by Saturday, September 9, 2023.
  • Weather permitting and upon completion of the leveling course, begin final paving (wearing course) at the southern end of the project working north.
  • Continue guardrail repair work between Exit 5 and Exit 7.
  • Adjustment of the drainage structures on the southern end of the project.

Sunday, September 24, 2023 Exit 7 northbound On/Off Ramp Closures for shoulder work and paving operations:

  • The anticipated date of September 17, 2023 for the Exit 7 closures has been delayed one week.
  • Exit 7 Off Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until paving operations are completed. Traffic will follow a signed detour on I-89 northbound to turn around at Exit 9, then get on I-89 southbound to Exit 7.
  • Exit 7 On Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until work is completed. Traffic will follow a signed detour to I-89 southbound to Exit 5 to turn around and get onto I-89 northbound to Exit 7.
  • Both Exit 7 ramps will be opened by 6:00 a.m. on Monday, September 25, 2023.

I89 Brookfield-Montpelier

Leveling course of pavement on the southern end of the project

This week ending 8/26/23: Shoulder and guardrail work continued within the project limits.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning September 5, 2023:

Tuesday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Begin fine milling of the right 10' shoulder between Exit 5 and Exit 8.
  • Continue guardrail repair work between Exit 5 and Exit 6.
  • Continue shoulder work/cleanup between Exit 7 and Exit 8.
  • Adjustment of the drainage structures on the southern end of the project.
  • Weather permitting, one day of paving of the U-Turns on the southern end of the project.

Thursday through Saturday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Weather permitting, paving the leveling course of the 10' shoulder and completion of the paving of the 12' travel lane between Exit 7 and 8.

Sunday, September 17, 2023 Exit 7 northbound On/Off Ramp Closures for shoulder work and paving operations:

  • Exit 7 Off Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until paving operations are completed. Traffic will follow a signed detour on I-89 northbound to turn around at Exit 9, then get on I-89 southbound to Exit 7.
  • Exit 7 On Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until work is completed. Traffic will follow a signed detour to I-89 southbound to Exit 5 to turn around and get onto I-89 northbound to Exit 7.
  • Both Exit 7 ramps will be opened by 6:00 a.m. on Monday, September 18, 2023.

I-89 southern end

Leveling course of pavement on the southern end of the project


This week ending 8/26/23: Completed the leveling course of pavement on the passing (left) lane and shoulder. Weather permitting, the leveling course on the travel (right) lane will be completed tomorrow or Saturday, August 26, 2023; Shoulder work continued.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 28, 2023:

Monday through Thursday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday 6:00 a.m. to noon:

  • Continue guardrail work between Exit 5 and Exit 7.
  • Continue shoulder work/cleanup between Exit 6 and Exit 8.

Thursday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday 6:00 a.m. to noon:

  • Milling of the right 10' shoulder between Exit 5 and Exit 8.

I89 Brookfield-Montp

Paving continues on I-89

This week ending 8/19/23: Continued fine milling operations north of Exit 7 along with the Exit 7 on/off ramps. It is anticipated that the fine milling for this project will be completed by tomorrow or Saturday, weather permitting. The leveling course of pavement has been placed up to Exit 5, not including the Exit 5 ramps with continued paving tomorrow and Saturaday, weather permitting; Guardrail repair work continued between Exit 5 and Exit 6; Shoulder work continued and is complete south of Exit 6.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 21, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Weather permitting, continue paving the leveling course between Exit 5 and Exit 7. The Exit 5 & 6 on/off ramps will be paved after leveling course on I-89 mainline is complete.
  • Continue guardrail work between Exit 5 and Exit 7.
  • Continue shoulder work/cleanup between Exit 6 and Exit 8.

This week ending 8/11/23: Continued fine milling operations between Exit 6 and Exit 7 with most milling complete south of Exit 7. Guardrail repair workwas performed between Exit 5 and Exit 6; Shoulder work/cleanup continued and is complete south of Exit 5. Tomorrow, August 11, 2023, paving the leveling course to resume on the travel lane (right lane) and shoulder.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Sunday, August 13, 2023:

Sunday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:

  • Fine milling operations on the Exit 7 on/off ramps - see detour info below.

Tuesday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue fine milling operations between Exit 7 and Exit 8.
  • Weather permitting, continue paving the leveling course south of Exit 6 and potentially Exit 5 on/off ramps.
  • Continue guardrail work between Exit 5 and Exit 7.
  • Continue shoulder work/cleanup between Exit 5 and Exit 7.

Exit 7 On/Off Ramp Closures Sunday, August 13, 2023:

  • Exit 7 Off Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until work is complete. Traffic will follow a signed detour to Exit 9, and back onto I-89 southbound to Exit 7.
  • Exit 7 On Ramp will be closed at 10:00 p.m. until work is complete. Traffic will follow a signed detour to I-89 southbound to Exit 5 and back onto I-89 northbound.
  • Both Exit 7 ramps will be opened by 6:00 a.m. on Monday, August 14.

Brookfield-Montpelier I89

Continued shoulder work

This week: Continued fine milling operations between Exit 5 and Exit 6 with most milling complete with the exception of the Exit 6 ramps. Shoulder work/clean up began on the southern end of the project.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 7, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue fine milling operations between Exit 6 and Exit 7 and potentially Exit 6 ramps.
  • Continue guardrail repair work south of Exit 6.
  • Continue shoulder work/clean up south of Exit 6.

Wednesday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Weather permitting, continue paving the leveling course south of Exit 6 and potentially the Exit 5 ramps.

Exit 7 On/Off Ramp Closures Sunday, August 13, 2023:

  • Exit 7 Off Ramp will be closed at 7:00 p.m. until work is complete. Traffic will follow a signed detour to Exit 9, and back onto I-89 southbound to Exit 7.
  • Exit 7 On Ramp will be closed at 10:00 p.m. until work is complete. Traffic will follow a signed detour to I-89 southbound to Exit 5 and back onto I-89 northbound.
  • Both Exit 7 ramps will be opened by 6:00 a.m. on Monday, August 14.


Shoulder work/clean up

This week: Continued fine milling operations south of Exit 6. Guardrail repair has been completed betweem Exit 5 and Exit 6. Tomorrow, a leveling course of pavement is to be placed on the shoulder for the first 5 miles on the southern end of the project.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 31, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue guardrail repair work between Exit 5 and Exit 6.
  • Continue fine milling operations between Exit 5 and Exit 6.
  • Begin shoulder work on the southern end of the project proceeding north.

I89 Fine milling at Exit 5

I-89 milling operations near Exit 5

This week: Fine milling operations on the northbound passing lane along with the Exit 5 On/Off Ramps; Tomorrow and potentially Saturday, milling on the travel lane will occur.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 17, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:


  • Continue guardrail repair work throughout the project.
  • Continue fine milling operations in the northbound lanes from south of Exit 5.

Milling Operations

I-89 northbound milling operations

This week: Guardrail repair work continued this week. Tomorrow and Saturday, fine milling operations will begin.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 10, 2023:

Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue guardrail repair work throughout the project.
  • Continue fine grinding of the existing pavment proceeding north to Exit 6.

I89 Brookfield

I-89 northbound guardrail repair work

This week:  Guardrail repair work began on the southern end of the project.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 3, 2023:

Monday and Tuesday:

  • No work due to the Independence Day holiday.

Wednesday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue guardrail repair work at the southern end of the project proceeding north.

Friday and Saturday - 600 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Begin fine grinding of the existing pavment at the southern end of the project mile marker 36.60 in the high speed (left lane) proceeding north to Exit 6.

I89 Brookfield

I-89 northbound guardrail repair work

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, June 26, 2023:

Monday through Thursday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday 6:00 a.m. to noon:

  • Begin fine grinding of the existing pavment at the southern end of the project mile marker 36.60 in the high speed (left lane) proceeding north to Exit 6.
  • Guardrail repair work will begin at the southern end of the project proceeding north.

TRAFFIC IMPACT: I-89 Northbound - Motorist can expect lane closures during working hours. The speed limit is reduced to 55 MPH within the work zone.

Pike is anticipated to begin construction activities on Monday, June 26, 2022. This work will be performed during daytime hours 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Work to be completed on the Exit 7 ramps will be done during nighttime hours 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. with ramp closures. Motorists will follow a signed detour during the noted nighttime hours of operation. During the daytime construction period, motorists should expect traffic flow to be maintained at all times with one lane of travel.