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From July 27, 2022 to August 2, 2022 motorists will follow a signed detour as mapped below while the culvert 1.3 miles east of the junction of VT Routes 125 & 17.

Map of the signed detour to be in place from July 27, 2022 to August 2, 2022An image of the detour currently in place utilizing VT Route 17 and VT Route 22A

A map of the current detour utilizing VT Route 17 and VT Route 22A

Anyone interested in receiving updates on this project may email their request to Stephanie Barrett at referencing VT 125 Culvert.


PROJECT UPDATE: The new culvert has been set in place and backfilling has begun.
  • Continue backfilling and remove cofferdam sheeting
Friday, August 5, 2022
  • Pave and line stripe
  • Open VT Route 125 to all traffic

VT125 Culvert

VT 125 Culvert being placed

VT125 Culvert set

TRAFFIC IMPACT: ROAD CLOSED - Motorists to follow a signed detour.
Currently until Friday, August 5, 2022:
ROAD CLOSED - Motorists to follow a signed detour.
  • During this time the contractor will excavate, remove the existing culvert structure, install a new structure, backfill, pave and line stripe.

VT125 Culvert#1

VT 125 Culvert Replacement Area

VT125 Culvert Pipe

New culvert pipe to be installed

Due to unforeseen circumstances in diverting the water from the existing culvert in order to begin the replacement, the schedule provided on July 21, 2022 has been revised as follows:
Wednesday July 27, 2022:
  • Traffic control will be present allowing for one-lane of alternating travel within the work area.
Thursday, July 28, 2022 until Friday, August 5, 2022: ROAD CLOSED - Motorists to follow a signed detour.
  • During this time the contractor will excavate, remove the existing culvert structure, install a new structure, backfill, pave and line stripe.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 25, 2022:
Monday and Tuesday:
  • Installation of a cofferdam
Wednesday through August 2, 2022:
  • During this time the contractor will excavate, remove the existing culvert structure, install a new structure, backfill, pave and line stripe.


Monday and Tuesday: Lane closure allowing for one-lane of alternating travel within the work area.
Wednesday until Tuesday, August 2, 2022 - ROAD CLOSED- Follow signed detour

On July 25, 2022, The Vermont Agency of Transportation in conjunction with Engineers Construction, Inc.(ECI) will begin a culvert replacement project on VT Route 125 in Addison. This project is located approximately 1.3 miles east of the junction of VT Route 125 & 17.
Motorists can expect one lane of alternating travel with traffic control present while preliminary work to replace the failing existing culvert is done. From July 27, 2022 to August 2, 2022 a signed detour will be posted for all motorists to follow. After the construction area is paved and line striped, the detour will be taken down and the roadway will open to all motorists.
TRAFFIC IMPACT:  The signed detour will be in place for all motorists wanting to travel west on VT 125 past the closure (to the Champlain Bridge) will continue north on VT 22A then turn left onto VT 17 west. All motorists wanting to travel east on VT 125 past the closure (coming from the bridge) they would continue east on VT 17 and then turn right to head south on VT 22A.

VT 125 roadway is now open to all motorist


VT 125

The restoration of VT 125 between 10 Acres Drive and Whitney Creek Drive in Addison after heavy rainfall washed out the roadway, is now complete and VT 125 is now open to all motorists.
On behalf of The Vermont Agency of Transportation and myself, we would like to thank everyone for your patience and understanding during this roadway restoration

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, June 6, 2022.
Monday, and potentially into Tuesday:
  • Installation of guardrail.


VT Route 125 washout area paved and striped

It is anticipated that guardrails are to be installed the week beginning June 6, 2022. After such time the roadway will be opened to motorists.
The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 30, 2022.
  • No work due to the Memorial Day holiday.
Tuesday through Friday:
  • Weather permitting, line striping of the newly paved roadway.

VT 125 VT 125

Roadway paving is now complete

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 23, 2022.
Monday through Friday:
  • Roadway preparation to include fine grading.
  • Weather permitting, potential paving the newly constructed roadway.

Additional slope stabilization installed this week

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 16, 2022.
Monday through Friday:
  • Additional stone placement to be added to the bottom of the slope
  • Weather permitting, paving of the newly constructed roadway.

VT 125VT 125

Slope stabilization - More stone to be added at the bottom of the slope

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 9, 2022.
Wednesday through Friday:
  • Paving the newly constructed roadway.

There will not be any work on this project until the contractor returns to pave. The detour will remain in affect.
I will update you as soon as activity is scheduled.

VT 125 roadway awaiting paving

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 25, 2022:
Monday and Friday:
  • Complete stone fill, slope stabilization and erosion control matting
  • Install final lift of roadway base material in preparation for paving

VT 125 Roadway Subbase

VT 125 Slope Stabilization, Installing matting

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 18, 2022:
Monday and Friday:
  • Continue with stone fill up the slope for stabilization along the lake shore
  • Erosion control
  • Install matting on the slope side
  • Providing the week plans out, milling the asphalt approaches of the construction area


VT 125 Roadway Subbase


VT 125 Slope Stabilization

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 11, 2022:
Monday and Friday:
  • Continue building roadway subbase
  • Continue with stone fill up the slope for stabilization

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 4, 2022:
Monday and Friday:
  • Continue excavation of the existing waste material.
  • Continue with gravel and stone backfill.

Excavation of waste material; Backfilled with gravel and stone.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, March 28, 2022:
Monday and Friday:
  • Continue with the installation of the stone work pad.
  • Continue with road stabilization and underdrain work.