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The Vermont Agency of Transportation in conjunction with Engineers Construction, Inc. (ECI) is set to begin reconstruction of the intersection of US Route 2 and Industrial Avenueproject in Williston, VT.

This project consists of widening a portion of the intersection, realignment of the roadway, installation of an additional left turn lane, and new curbing and sidewalk on the southside of the roadway. Other highway related activities include signal and signage upgrades, drainage, subbase, paving, and utilities.

During construction, traffic will be maintained at all times with traffic control present. For any work to be done during nighttime hours (7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.), traffic will be reduced to alternating one-way traffic, with traffic control present. The anticipated completion for this work is Fall 2023.

For questions/concerns regarding this project, or to receive weekly project updates, email Stephanie Barrett, Public InformationConsultant, at or call 802-399-7847.

Williston Intersection Project - US 2 and Industrial Avenue


On behalf of The Vermont Agency of Transportation and myself, we would like to thank everyone for your patience and understanding during the intersection reconstruction project. We hope you enjoy the improvements.

Stay safe and buckle up!

US2 Areal Pic

US2 / Industrial Avenue Intersection reconstructed

This week ending 11/17/23: Worked continued on various punch-list items.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning November 20, 2023.

Monday through Wednesday - 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • If necessary, completion of some minor punch list items to complete this project.

Thursday and Friday:

  • No work due to the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

This week ending 11/10/23: Worked continued on various punch-list items.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning November 13, 2023.

Monday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • If necessary, completion of some minor punch list items to complete this project.

This week ending 11/03/23: Worked continued on various punch-list items.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning November 6, 2023.

Monday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • If necessary, completion of some minor punch list items to complete this project.

This week ending 10/27/23: Worked continued on various punch-list items.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning October 30, 2023.

Monday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • Complete various punch-list items throughout the project in anticipation of finalizing the project.US2 Williston

US2 eastbound view

This week ending 10/20/23: Worked on various punch-list items.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning October 23, 2023.

Monday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • Complete various punch-list items throughout the project in anticipation of finalizing the project.

US2 Williston

US2 eastbound view - Seeded and stablized disturbed ground

This week ending 10/13/23: Pavement markings were completed earlier this week; Signs were installed; Began work on various punchlist items.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning October 16, 2023.

Monday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • Complete various punch-list items to complete throughout the project.

US2 Williston_Ind Ave

View from Industrial Avenue - Pavement markings are complete

This week ending 10/05/23: Prepped the pavement for inlaid pavement markings and all markings should be completed tonight.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning October 9, 2023.

Sunday and Monday:

  • No work due to the Columbus / Indigenous Peoples' Day holiday.

Tuesday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • Installation of signs throughout the project.
  • Various punch-list items to complete throughout the project.

US2 Williston_Ind Ave

U.S. Route 2 installation of pavement markings began this week

This week ending 9/28/23: Prepped the roadway for permanent pavement markings throughout the project; General site cleanup.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning October 2, 2023.

Sunday through Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:

  • Grinding of the asphalt on the line striping layout in anticipation of the inlaid final pavement markings.

Thursday and Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • If grinding work is completed by Thursday at 6:00 a.m. then motorists can expect lane closures for the start of the installation of pavement markings on U.S. Route 2.

US2_Ind Ave Williston

U.S. Route 2 line striping layout

This week ending 9/22/23: Completed the final paving throughout the project; Continued sidewalk and curb installation.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning September 24, 2023.

Sunday through Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:

  • Line striping layout in anticipation of final pavement markings. Please note, this work should not take all week.

Monday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Topsoil, driveway tie-ins and general site cleanup work throughout the project limits.

US2_Ind Ave Williston

Final paving completed - U.S. Route 2 and Industial Avenue intersection view

This week ending 9/15/23: Continued sidewalk and curb installation. Completed installation of catch basin grates.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning September 17, 2023.

Sunday through Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:

  • Weather permitting, final paving throughout the project limits. Please note, if paving is rained out, paving will take place the next available night.

Monday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Topsoil and general site cleanup work throughout the project limits.

US2_Ind Ave

Eastbound U.S. Route 2 sidewalk prep for concrete placement

This week ending 9/8/23: Continued sidewalk and curb installation.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning September 11, 2023.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue prepping and pouring the remaining sidewalks within the project.
  • Complete the installation of the catch basin grates

US2_Ind Ave

Prepping for granite curb installation on the corner of U.S. Route 2 and Industrial Avenue

This week ending 9/1/23:  Continued sidewalk installation and finished raising the grates for the catch basins/drainage inlets.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning September 5, 2023.

Tuesday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue sidewalk and potential curb installation, weather permitting.

RT2 Southside Sidewalk

Sidewalk work continues on the south side of U.S. Route 2, Williston

This week: Work to raise the grates for the catch basins/drainage inlets.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning August 28, 2023.

Monday through Thursday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday 6:30 a.m. to noon:

  • Continue sidewalk and curb installation, weather permitting.
  • Continue raising the catch basin grates.

RT2 Southside Sidewalk

Curb and earthwork complete on south side of U.S. Route 2, Williston

This week: Continued the installation of concrete sidewalks and placed topsoil in various areas along U.S. Route 2.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning August 21, 2023.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue sidewalk installation, weather permitting.
  • Continue curb installation.

RT2 Southside Sidewalk

Sidewalk installation continues on the south side of U.S. Route 2, Williston

This week: Began concrete sidewalk installation in various areas throughout the project limits.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning August 14, 2023.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue sidewalk installation.
  • Continue placement of topsoil in various areas throughout the project.

US2 Williston

Pouring concrete for sidewalk along U.S. Route 2

This week: Began the preparation for sidewalk installation in various areas throughout the project limits.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning August 8, 2023.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue sidewalk preparation work with pouring concrete, weather permitting.
  • Continue installation of granite curbing.

Industrial Ave Williston

Prepping for sidewalk installation

This week: There was no activity this week.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning July 31, 2023.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Begin sidewalk preparation work with potential curb installation, as well.

Sand Filter

The Sand Filter installation is complete

This week: The installation of the sand filter will be complete by the end of work, tomorrow.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning July 24, 2023.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Begin sidewalk preparation work with potential curb installation, as well.

Sand Filter

Backfilling operations down to the Sand Filter

This week: Work to backfill around the sand filter continued.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning July 17, 2023.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Work to continue around the Sand Filter.
  • General cleanup work throughout the project.

Sand Filter

Backfilling operations around the Sand Filter on the south side/eastbound US Route 2

This week: Gulliver's Doggie Daycare driveway tie-in off Industrial Avenue was paved.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Work continues around the Sand Filter.
  • General cleanup work throughtout the project limits.

This week:  Poured concrete on the top of the Sand Filter.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning July 3, 2023.

Monday and Tuesday:

  • No work due to the Independence Day holiday.

Wednesday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Weather permitting, paving the driveway tie-in at Gulliver's Doggie Daycare.
  • General cleanup work around the Sand Filter.

Sand filter

Concrete poured on the Sand Filter on the south side/eastbound US Route 2

This week: Work continued on the Sand Filter; Sidewalk preparation began; Curb installation continued.

The anticipated work schedule for the week beginning June 26, 2023.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue sidewalk preparation with potential concrete pour later in the week.
  • Continue form work on the Sand Filter.

RT2 Sand Filter

Form work and rebar installed on the Sand Filter on the south side/eastbound US Route 2

This week: Installation of curbing began. Work continued on the Sand Filter.

The anticipated work schedule for the week beginning June 19, 2023.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue curb installation throughout the project limits.
  • Prepare sidewalk areas for concrete pour.
  • Continue form work on the Sand Filter.

Industrial Avenue Curb

Curb installation on the north side/westbound US Route 2

This week: Work continued on the installed Sand Filter along with curb preparation.

The anticipated work schedule for the week beginning June 12, 2023 is as follows:

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Curb installation to begin throughout the project limits.
  • Continue work on the Sand Filter.

RT2 Sand Filter

Work continues on the Sand Filter south side of US Route 2

This week: Stripped the forms for the newly poured Sand Filter walls; Began curb preparation; Paved the leveling course throughout the project.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning June 5, 2023.

Monday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Continue excavation work along the shoulder areas to prep for curbing installation to begin later in the week.

Industrial Ave

Paving leveling course on Industrial Avenue

This week: Installed Sand Filter wall forms and poured concrete.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning May 30, 2023.

Tueday through Friday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Excavation work along the shoulder areas to prep for curbing installation and to remove "extra" pavement placed for the lane shift implementation.
  • Continued work on the Sand Filter to include backfilling around the walls.

Tueday and Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:

  • Weather permitting, paving leveling course in various areas throughout the project limits.

TRAFFIC IMPACT:  Flaggers will be present during daytime work hours to allow for construction vehicles in/out of the construction area with minimal impact on the traveling motorists.

Motorists can expect flaggers present during Tuesday and Wednesday night work hours allowing for one-lane of alternating travel for paving operations.

RT2 Sand Filter

Sand Filter walls formed in preparation for concrete

This week:  Support excavation work continued for the Sand Filter.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning May 22, 2023.

Monday through Thursday-6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Friday - 6:30 a.m. to noon:

  • Continue placement of forms and pouring the concrete walls for the Sand Filter near Muddy Brook at the Williston/So. Burlington Town line.

Pouring Mat-Sand filter

Base mat for Sand Filter ready for concrete

This week:  Support excavation work continued for the Sand Filter.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning May 15, 2023.

Monday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Placement of forms for the pouring of concrete for the base mat of the Sand Filter near Muddy Brook at the Williston/So. Burlington Town line.

RT2 Williston

Continued support excavation for a stormwater Sand Filter near Muddy Brook on US Route 2, Williston

Minimal work this week due to the rain.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning May 8, 2023.

Monday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • To complete the installation of the support of excavation for the Sand Filter near Muddy Brook at the Williston/So. Burlington Town line.
  • Begin form and prep work for the Sand Filter.

US2 Williston

Base preparation for a storm water Sand Filter near Muddy Brook on US Route 2, Williston

Work began on the installation of support excavation for the Sand Filter near Muddy Brook.

Below is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning May 1, 2023.

Monday through Friday - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Complete the installation of the support of excavation for the Sand Filter near Muddy Brook at the Williston/So. Burlington Town line.

US2 Williston near Muddy Brook

Excavation for a Sand Filter near Muddy Brook on US Route 2, Williston

Below is the anticipated work schedule for tonight, April 19, 2023 and the week beginning April 24, 2023.

Tonight, April 19, 2023 - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:

  • Installation of a long-term temporary lane shift in anticipation of work to begin on the final phase of the new drainage infrastructure installed during the 2022 season. Lane shifts will be between Gregory Drive, So. Burlington and Adams Court, Williston.

TRAFFIC CONTROL: Motorists can expect traffic control present allowing for one lane of alternating traffic within the work area. Two lanes of  traffic will resume by 6:00 a.m. Friday morning.

Friday-April 20, Monday through Friday (Next week) - 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Begin to install the support of excavation for the Sand Filter near Muddy Brook at the Williston/So. Burlington Town line.
  • Installation of erosion control throughout the project limits.

TRAFFIC CONTROL: Flaggers will be present to allow for construction vehicles in/out of the construction area with minimal impact on the  traveling motorists.

US RT 2 Williston

Work to resume on US Route 2/Industrial Avenue, Williston

There was no work was performed this week.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, November 28, 2022.

Monday through Thursday - Daytime:

  • Project cleanup throughout.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, November 21, 2022.

Monday & Tuesday - Daytime and Wednesday until noon:

  • Project cleanup throughout with no traffic impact.

Thursday & Friday - No work due to the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

RT 2 Eastbound

Eastbound US Route 2 opened the 2nd left turn lane onto Industrial Avenue

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, November 14, 2022.

Monday through Friday - Daytime:

  • Weather permitting, installation of pavement markings.
  • Minimal site cleanup work throughout the project limits.
  • Potential opening of the second left turn lane on US Route 2 eastbound onto Industrial Avenue.

US RT 2 Williston

US Route 2 awaiting line striping

Winter shut-down preparation continues.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, November 7, 2022.

Monday through Friday - Daytime:

  • Continued winter shut-down preparation work to include various items throughout the project limits.
  • Weather permitting, line striping throughout.
  • The second left turn lane on US Route 2 eastbound onto Industrial Avenue will be opened.

Industrial Ave

Widening on Industrial Avenue in preparation of two oncoming northbound lanes off US Route 2

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE:  Winter shut-down preparation continues.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, October 31, 2022.

Monday through Friday - Daytime:

  • Continued winter shut-down preparation work to include various items throughout the project limits.

RT2 Williston

Winter shut-down preparation continues on US Route 2

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE:  Shoulder material has been placed throughout the project limits and structures were lowered. 

Tomorrow, Friday, October 21, 2022 paving along the edge lines on Industrial Avenue between US Route 2 and Avenue A. Motorists can expect moderate traffic delays.  

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, October 24, 2022.

Monday through Friday - Daytime:

  • Continued winter shut-down preparation work to include various items throughout the project limits.

RT2 Shoulders

Shoulder material being installed on US Route 2

Industrial Ave Shoulders

Shoulder material installed on Industrial Avenue

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, October 17, 2022.

Monday through Friday - Daytime:

  • Installation of shoulder material throughout the project limits.
  • Winter shut-down preparation work to include various items throughout the project limits.

There was no work performed this week.

There will not be any work taking place on this project for the week beginning Monday, October 10, 2022.

Due to the weather this week, there was no work performed.

There will not be any work taking place on this project for the week beginning Monday, October 3, 2022.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Sunday, September 25, 2022:

Sunday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:

  • Weather permitting, paving project approaches to include Industrial Avenue at Avenue A, US Route 2 both east and west ends of the project.

Monday through Friday - Daytime:

  • General clean-up work throughout the project preparing for winter shut-down.

US2 Williston

US Route 2 & Industrial Avenue nearing shutdown for the 2022 season

There will not be any work taking place on this project for the week beginning Monday, September 19, 2022.

There will not be any work taking place on this project for the week beginning Monday, September 12, 2022.

RT2 Williston

South side of US Route 2 drainage work

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, September 5, 2022:


  • No work due to the Labor Day holiday.

Tuesday through Wednesday - Daytime:

  • Minimal work to include continued project clean-up and top soil work.

RT2 Williston

Installation of new signals at the Route 2/Industrial Avenue intersection

RT2 westbound

Northbound side of US Route 2


Motorists be aware the US Route 2/Industrial Avenue intersection has been updated with new traffic signal and lane assignments.  We ask all motorists to proceed with caution while passing through this intersection, allowing everyone to become familiar with these changes.

RT2_Industrial Ave

Installation of new traffic signals


The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 29, 2022:

Monday through Wednesday - Daytime:

  • Project clean-up in preparation for curb installation
  • Top soil and seeding throughout the project with minimal traffic disruption

Thursday and Friday - Daytime:

  • Drainage work on the western end of the project with no impact to the traveling motorists

Installation of signal mast pole on the northeast corner of Route 2/Industrial Avenue intersection

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 22, 2022:

Monday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Top soil and seeding throughout the project with minimal traffic disruption
  • Traffic signal work within the US Route 2 and Industrial Avenue intersection
Tuesday - Daytime:
  • Grading and prep work for a shoulder apron on the northeast corner of Industrial Avenue
Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Installation of new traffic signal mast arms
  • Installation of temporary line striping on the intermediate level of pavement throughout the project limits

RT2 Williston Mill

Milling US Route 2

RT 2 Williston

Paving intermediate course in the westbound lane of US 2 & abutting drives

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 15, 2022:
Monday - Daytime:
  • Lane shifts on Industrial Avenue for revegetation work on the west side embankment north of Doggy Day Care
Tuesday through Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Roadway preparation and paving the second lift on Industrial Avenue to include Avenue A intersection and the Asten Johnson driveway apron
  • Roadway preparation and paving the second lift within the US Route 2 and Industrial Avenue intersection - MOTORISTS WILL FOLLOW A SIGNED DETOUR USING US ROUTE 2 AND VT ROUTE 2A DURING THIS POSTED TIME

RT 2 Williston

Full-depth reconstruction on the northside of US Route 2

RT 2 Williston

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Sunday, August 7, 2022:
Motorists can expect to be traveling on a gravel surface after Sunday nights work until Saturday morning.
Sunday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Milling the existing pavement on the west end of the project on US Route 2
Monday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Roadway excavation and removal of the concrete slabs on the west end of the project on US Route 2
Tuesday through Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Continue with roadway excavation and backfilling with select materials
Friday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Paving the excavated area on the west end of the project on US Route 2


Full-depth reconstruction on the northside of US Route 2

US Route 2 backfilled excavated area with new select materials

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Sunday, July 31, 2022:
Sunday through Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Continued full-depth reconstruction and drainage on the west end of the project on US Route 2.
Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Weather permitting, paving the reconstructed area worked on this week.

Motorists can expect to be traveling on a gravel surface this week.  During the nighttime work hours, expect traffic control allowing for one-lane of alternating travel within the work area on US Route 2.

Full-depth reconstruction on the northside of US Route 2


The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 25, 2022:
Monday and Tuesday - Daytime:
  • Continued full-depth reconstruction and drainage on Industrial Avenue near Avenue A. Motorists can expect one lane of alternating travel with traffic control present.
Wednesday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Full-depth reconstruction on US Route 2 from Adams Drive working westerly within the closure area.

Industrial Ave

Full-depth reconstruction on Industrial Avenue south of Avenue A

7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Industrial Avenue will be closed from the intersection of U.S. Route 2 to the north side of Avenue A. All motorists on U.S. Route 2 wanting to travel onto Industrial Avenue will follow a signed detour to VT Route 2A northbound, back to Industrial Avenue. All motorists on VT Route 2A will still be able to access Industrial Avenue up to and including Avenue B, otherwise will follow the signed detour to U.S. Route 2. Motorists on US Route 2 will encounter traffic control allowing for one-lane of alternating travel.


Tonight - Thursday:
  • Paving on US Route 2 east of the Industrial Avenue intersection.
  • Installation of under drain across Avenue A. Avenue A will be closed. Emergency access will be provided.
The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 18, 2022:
Monday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Continued full-depth reconstruction on Industrial Avenue near Avenue A.
  • Begin full-depth reconstruction on the westerly end of the project on US Route 2 within the closure area.

Grading and paving on US Route 2 east of Industrial Ave

REMINDER: Tomorrow, Friday July 8: 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. WITH DETOUR:
  • Paving on VT Route 2 on the reconstructed areas worked on this week. The Industrial Avenue detour will be implemented.
The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Sunday, July 11, 2022:
Sunday through Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.-WITH TRAFFIC CONTROL:
  • Continued full-depth reconstruction on the east end of US Route 2 on both sides of the Industrial Avenue intersection. US Route 2 will be down to one lane of alternating travel with traffic control present.

Slab removal in the east side of the RT 2/Industrial Ave intersection

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 4, 2022:
  • No work due to the Independence Day holiday.
Tuesday through Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. - WITH DETOUR:
  • Continued full-depth reconstruction on the east end of US Route 2 in the westbound lane. Industrial Avenue will be closed and the detour will be in affect. US Route 2 will be down to one lane of alternating travel with traffic control present.
Friday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. WITH DETOUR:
  • Paving the reconstructed areas worked on this week.

Industrial Ave Williston

Nighttime full-depth excavation on Industrial Avenue

Industrial Ave

Rebuilding new roadway base on Industrial Avenue

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Sunday, June 26, 2022:
Sunday and Monday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Continued full-depth reconstruction on Industrial Avenue working north to Avenue A.
Tuesday and Wednesday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Continued full-depth reconstruction on US Route 2 east of the traffic signal.
Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Paving the reconstructed areas worked on this week.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Industrial Avenue will be open to through traffic during daytime and weekend hours. Motorists can expect to be driving on unpaved roadways sections.

US2_Industrial Ave

Nighttime full-depth excavation within the intersection of US2 and Industrial Avenue

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, June 20, 2022:
Monday through Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. - EXPECT DETOUR FOR INDUSTRIAL AVENUE THROUGH TRAFFIC:
  • Continued full-depth reconstruction of the roadway on the eastern end of the project on both Industrial Avenue and US Route 2.

This work will cause Industrial Avenue will be closed from the intersection of U.S. Route 2 to the north side of Avenue A. All motorists on U.S. Route 2 wanting to travel onto Industrial Avenue will follow a signed detour to VT Route 2A northbound, back to Industrial Avenue. All motorists on VT Route 2A will still be able to access Industrial Avenue up to and including Avenue B, otherwise will follow the signed detour to U.S. Route 2. Motorists on US Route 2 will encounter traffic control allowing for one-lane of alternating travel.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Industrial Avenue will be open to through traffic during daytime and weekend hours.

Nighttime full-depth excavation on US2 westbound

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, June 13, 2022:
Monday through Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.: - MOTORISTS WILL FOLLOW A SIGNED DETOUR
  • Full-depth reconstruction of the roadway on the eastern end of the project on both Industrial Avenue and the eastbound lane of US Route 2.
    Industrial Avenue will be closed from the intersection of U.S. Route 2 to the north side of Avenue A. All motorists on U.S. Route 2 wanting to travel onto Industrial Avenue will follow a signed detour to VT Route 2A northbound, back to Industrial Avenue. All motorists on VT Route 2A will still be able to access Industrial Avenue up to and including Avenue B, otherwise will follow the signed detour to U.S. Route 2. Motorists on US Route 2 will encounter traffic control allowing for one-lane of alternating travel.
VT Route 2 east
Paved base course RT2 westbound looking easterly

VT Route 2 west

Paved base course RT2 westbound looking westerly

The following is the REVISED anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, June 6, 2022:
Monday through Friday- Daytime:
  • Project cleanup work throughout the project limits
  • Realignment of the concrete barriers as the crew prepare for nighttime activities on Industrial Avenue. Motorists should expect moderate traffic delays.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, June 6, 2022:
Monday - Daytime:
  • Project cleanup work along with realignment of the concrete barriers as the crew prepare for nighttime activities on Industrial Avenue. Motorists should expect moderate traffic delays.
Tuesday through Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Begin full-depth reconstruction of the roadway on Industrial Avenue from the U.S. Route 2 intersection to the north side of Avenue A.

Widening of the east side of Industrial Avenue


Beginning June 7, 2022, Tuesday through Thursday from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., Industrial Avenue will be closed from the intersection of U.S. Route 2 to the north side of Avenue A, allowing for the contractor to complete full-depth reconstruction of the roadway. All motorists on U.S. Route 2 wanting to travel onto Industrial Avenue will follow a signed detour to VT Route 2A northbound, back to Industrial Avenue. All motorists on VT Route 2A will still be able to access Industrial Avenue up to and including Avenue B, otherwise will follow the signed detour to U.S. Route 2. This detour is expected to be in effect for 2 to 3 weeks. Industrial Avenue will be open to through traffic during daytime hours and weekends. Updates will be made on the weekly alerts.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 23, 2022:
Monday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Installation of drainage across Industrial Avenue adjacent to Avenue A.
  • General cleanup throughout the project.
Wednesday through Thursday - Daytime; Friday until noon:
  • Preparation grading on the north side of US Route 2 in anticipation of base paving.

Industrial Ave

Drainage Inlets installed on the west side of Industrial Avenue

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 16, 2022:
Monday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Continue with the installation of new drainage system on Industrial Avenue.

Continued installation of the new drainage system on the east side of Industrial Avenue

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 9, 2022:
Monday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
  • Installation of new drainage system crossing over to the west side Industrial Avenue. Motorists will encounter a lane closure allowing for one lane of alternating travel.
Wednesday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Continue with the installation of new drainage system on Industrial Avenue.
Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
  • Temporary paving of the road cuts on Industrial Avenue.

Installation of drainage inlets on the west side of Industrial Avenue

The following is an add to this week's work schedule for Wednesday, April 27, 2022:
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
  • Motorists can expect traffic control present allowing for one lane of alternating traffic for full-depth reconstruction on Industrial Avenue.
NOTE: It is not anticipated to change the already scheduled daytime activities

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 25, 2022:

Monday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Continue with the installation of new drainage system on Industrial Avenue.

Route 2 Williston

Installation of a drainage inlet at the corner of Route 2 and Industrial Avenue

The following is a revised anticipated work schedule for the remainder of the week beginning Wednesday, April 20, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m.:
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. and
Thursday: 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
  • Motorists can expect traffic control present allowing for one lane of alternating traffic for full-depth reconstruction within the Industrial Avenue intersection.
NOTE: There will be regular daytime activities on Wednesday from 12:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
  • No work on the project.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 18, 2022:
Monday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Continue with the installation of storm drain from the Industrial Avenue intersection proceeding up Industrial Avenue.
  • Continue full-depth reconstruction east of Miller Lane

Full depth reconstruction of the north side of Route 2

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 11, 2022:

Monday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Continue with the installation of storm drain from the Industrial Avenue intersection proceeding up Industrial Avenue.
  • Continue full-depth reconstruction between Adams Drive and Industrial Avenue.

Nighttime drainage installation on VT Route 2 through the Miller Lane Intersection

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 4, 2022:
Monday and Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Continue with the installation of storm drain through the Miller Lane intersection.
Monday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Continue installation of conduit on both the north and south sides of the Industrial Avenue intersection for the new traffic signal.
Wednesday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Continue with the installation of storm drain from Miller Lane proceeding east.


New drainage installation continues easterly on VT Route 2

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, March 28, 2022:

Monday and Friday:
  • Mobilization of construction equipment back on site the beginning of the week.
  • Continue with the installation of storm drain just east of Miller Lane proceeding east to Industrial Avenue.
  • Installation of conduit on both the north and south sides of the Industrial Avenue intersection for the new traffic signal.
Route 2 Williston

US Route 2 awaiting 2022 construction to begin

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, February 7, 2022:
Monday and Friday:
  • Weather permitting, continue boring under US Route 2 to install conduit piping for the new traffic signal at the Industrial Avenue intersection.


Boring operation to install conduit under US Route 2  


                                                            Site Restoration after area boring was completed                                                        

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, January 31, 2022:
Monday through Friday:
  • Weather permitting, continue boring under US Route 2 to install conduit piping for the new traffic signal at the Industrial Avenue intersection.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, January 24, 2022:

  • Installation of trench boxes to facilitate auger boring.
Tuesday through Friday:
  • Weather permitting, continue boring under US Route 2 to install conduit piping for the new traffic signal at the Industrial Avenue intersection.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, January 17, 2022:
Monday through Wednesday:
  • Continue installation of new drainage improvements and full-depth reconstruction on the north side of US Route 2 across Miller Lane working on half the Lane at a time to allow for motorists access.
Thursday and Friday:
  • Continue installation of new drainage improvements and full-depth reconstruction on the north side of US Route 2 east of Miller Lane working to Industrial Avenue.
  • Directional boring under US Route 2 to install conduit piping for the new traffic signal at the Industrial Avenue intersection.

Continued installation of new drainage inlet on the north side of US Route 2


The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, January 10, 2022:
Monday through Friday:
  • Continue installation of new drainage improvements on the north side of US Route 2 from Adams Drive to Industrial Avenue.

Installation of new drainage inlet on the north side of US Route 2

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, January 3, 2022:
Monday through Friday:
  • Continue installation of drainage improvements on the north side of US Route 2 from Adams Drive to Industrial Avenue.

RT2 Light Pole Found.

Mast light pole foundation casing for the new signal southeast side of US Route 2


The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, December 27, 2021:
Monday through Wednesday:
  • Continued work on new signal foundations

Thursday and Friday:

  • No work scheduled

Auguring the foundation casing for the new signal mast arm pole

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, December 20, 2021:
Monday through Friday:
  • Continue installation of drainage improvements on the north side of Route 2 between Adams Drive and Industrial Avenue.
  • Continue work on the installation of a new signal for the Industrial Avenue intersection.

Casing and steel rebar for new signal foundations

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, December 13, 2021:
Monday through Friday:
  • Continue installation of drainage improvements on the north side of Route 2 between Adams Drive and Industrial Avenue.
  • Continue work on the installation of a new signal for the Industrial Avenue intersection.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, December 6, 2021:
Monday and Tuesday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • General operations and clean up work throughout the project.
Wednesday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Boring operations to install conduit under US Route 2 at the Industrial Avenue intersection in preparation for a new signal installation.

RT2 Williston

Continue with full depth reconstruction

RT2 Williston

Preparation to set back barriers to widen roadway for winter maintenance

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, November 29, 2021:
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Continue full depth reconstruction and drainage improvements on the north side of Route 2.

RT2 Williston

Full depth reconstruction on US Route 2

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, November 22, 2021:
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • No work schedule for this week.

US2 & Industrial Ave

Installation of a drainage inlet at the northeast corner of US Route 2 and Industrial Avenue

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, November 15, 2021:
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Continue full depth reconstruction on the north side (westbound) of Route 2
  • Continue drainage improvements on the north side of Route 2

US Route 2

Full depth reconstruction now on the north side of US Route 2 westbound

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, November 8, 2021:

Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Begin full depth reconstruction on the north side (westbound) of Route 2
  • Begin drainage improvements on the north side of Route 2


New temporary traffic pattern in place

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, November 1, 2021:
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Begin full depth reconstruction on the north side (westbound) of Route 2
  • Begin drainage improvements on the north side of Route 2


US RT 2 Williston

Relocation of barriers on US Route 2 eastbound in anticipation of new lane shift

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, October 25, 2021:
Monday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Line striping the newly paved roadway on the south side of US Route 2
Tuesday through Thursday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Driveway and side road approaches to be tied into the new eastbound lane
Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Work necessary to change over the traffic pattern to include the newly paved south side of US Route 2. Motorists can expect traffic control to be present allowing for 1-lane of alternating travel.
Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • General work throughout the project

US Route 2 south side

Base pavement of US Route 2 eastbound

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, October 18, 2021:
Monday and Tuesday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Fine grading the newly installed subbase roadway on the south side of US Route 2
Wednesday and Thursday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Paving the fine graded south side of US Route 2
Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Weather permitting, installation of pavement markings
  • General cleanup work within the southside of US Route 2 work area

US2 so side west view US2 so side east view

Subbase roadway US Route 2 western & eastern views, respectively

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, October 11, 2021:
  • No work due to the Indigenous Person's Day holiday
Tuesday and Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Installation of the enclosed drainage system within the Industrial Avenue intersection, traffic control will be present allowing for 1 lane of alternating travel
Tuesday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Continue installation of the enclosed drainage system (stormwater) and full depth reconstruction on the south side working easterly
Thursday and Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Fine grading the southside work area on Route 2 in anticipation of base paving

US2 Williston

Continued installation of drainage inlets

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, October 4, 2021:
Monday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Signal work at Industrial Avenue with no traffic disruptions
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Continue installation of the enclosed drainage system (stormwater) and full depth reconstruction on the south side from Adams Drive working east

Route 2 Drainage

Western most drainage structure installed

Route 2 Underdrain

Full depth excavation continues easterly

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, September 27, 2021:
Monday through Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Continue installation of the enclosed drainage system (stormwater) and full depth reconstruction moving across US 2 from the south side over to the north side

Motorists can expect a lane closure with traffic control present during the nighttime work

Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Continue installation of the enclosed drainage system (stormwater) and full depth reconstruction on the south side on the western end of the project working east
Motorists can expect a lane shifts with traffic control present to allow from truck traffic in/out of the construction areas

RT @ Muddy Brook 1 RT @ Muddy Brook 2

Installation of metal sheeting for ground stabilization during catch basin installation

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, September 20, 2021:
Monday through Thursday - 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Continue installation of the enclosed drainage system (stormwater) and full depth reconstruction on the south side within the US 2 and Industrial Avenue intersection
Monday through Friday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.:
  • Begin installation of the enclosed drainage system (stormwater) and full depth reconstruction across US 2
Motorists can expect a lane closure with traffic control present during the nighttime work.

US2 stormdrain

Continued stormwater drainage Installation on the south side of US Route 2

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, September 13, 2021:
Monday through Wednesday:
  • Continue installation of the enclosed drainage system (stormwater) and full depth reconstruction on the south side within the US 2 and Industrial Avenue intersection
Thursday and Friday:
  • Continue installation of the enclosed drainage system (stormwater) and full depth reconstruction on the south side of US 2 at the west end of the project near Muddy Brook.


Route 2 Stormwater

Installation of stormwater drainage on the south side of US Route 2 and Industrial Avenue Intersection

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, September 6, 2021:
  • No work due to the Labor Day holiday
Tuesday through Friday:
  • Continue work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) within the US 2 and Industrial Avenue intersection
  • Continue full depth reconstruction on the south side of Route 2 within the US 2 and Industrial Avenue intersection

US2 drainage section

Completed section of full-depth reconstruction on the south side of US Route 2

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 30, 2021:
Monday through Thursday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; Friday 7:00 a.m. to noon:
  • Continue work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) on the southeast end of the project on U.S. Route 2
  • Continue full depth reconstruction on the south side of Route 2 easterly from Engineers Drive
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.


Utility pole relocated to allow for construction to proceed easterly past the intersection

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 23, 2021:
Monday through Friday:
  • Continue work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) on the southeast end of the project on U.S. Route 2
  • Continue full depth reconstruction on the south side of Route 2
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.


Williston RT2 Stormwater

Continue storm water installation

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 16, 2021:
Monday through Friday:
  • Continue work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) on the southeast end of the project on U.S. Route 2
  • Begin full depth reconstruction on the south side of Route 2
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.



Installation of new drainage inlet

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 9, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Continue work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) on the southeast end of the project within the Adam Drive area on Route 2

Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.


Industrial Ave detour

Traffic is shifted as the detour lane on the north side of Route 2 now open

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, August 2, 2021:
Monday through Friday:
  • Continue work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) on the southeast end of the project within the Adam Drive area on Route 2

Monday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

  • Weather permitting, line striping the detour area in anticipation of opening the lane on Tuesday.
  • Work on enclosed drainage system at the eastern limit of the project
Please note: There may be some additional intermittent nighttime operations as required this week, however none scheduled at this time.

Route 2 Williston

Detour lane on the north side of Route 2

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 26, 2021:

Monday & Tuesday:
  • Completion of the detour roadway on the north side of Route 2
  • Continue work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) on Route 2
Wednesday through Friday:
  • Lane shifts to begin onto the detoured roadway
  • Continue work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) on Route 2
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.

Detour lane on the north side of Route 2 partially paved

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 19, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Continue construction of the detour roadway on the north side of Route 2
  • Continue work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) on Route 2
  • Waterline testing on Industrial Avenue
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.

Construction of detour lane on the north side of Route 2

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 12, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Continue construction of the detour roadway on the north side of Route 2
  • Continue work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) on Route 2
  • Continue waterline work on Industrial Avenue
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.
Construction of detour lane on the north side of Route 2

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, July 5, 2021:

  • No work due to the Independence Day holiday
Tuesday through Friday:
  • Continue construction of the detour on the north side of Route 2.
  • Begin work on enclosed drainage system (storm water) on Route 2

Designated lane shifts in both travel lanes within the construction area during working hours.

Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.
Last run of new waterline being installed

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, June 28, 2021:

Monday through Thursday - 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; Friday 7:00 a.m. to noon:
  • Continue waterline installation on Industrial Avenue
  • Continue construction of the detour on the north side of Route 2. This work will require designated lane shifts in both travel lanes within the construction area during working hours.
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.
Waterline work continues on Industrial Avenue

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, June 21, 2021:
Monday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Continue waterline installation on Industrial Avenue
  • Continue construction of the detour on the north side of Route 2. This work will requre designated lane shifts in both travel lanes within the construction area during working hours.
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area
Building road base for upcoming detour

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, June 14, 2021:

Monday through Wednesday - Daytime:
  • New waterline tie-ins to existing services
Thursday and Friday - Daytime:
  • Continue waterline installation on Industrial Avenue
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.

Installed waterline piping

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, June 7, 2021:

Monday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Continue flushing, testing and chlorinating new waterline installed on Route 2
  • Continue waterline installation on Industrial Avenue
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.
Waterline piping waiting to be installed on Industrial Avenue

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 31, 2021:

  • No work due to the Memorial Day holiday
Tuesday through Friday - Daytime:
  • Flushing, testing and chlorinating new waterline installed on Route 2
  • Continue waterline installation on Industrial Avenue
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.
Installation of Route 2 westbound new waterline with protective sleeve
Welding of Route 2 westbound & eastbound waterline and protective sleeves together

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 24, 2021:

Monday through Thursday - Daytime; Friday 7:00 a.m. to noon :
  • Continue waterline work on both Route 2 and moving onto Industrial Avenue
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.
Route 2 Williston Continued installation of water pipe
Route 2 Williston


The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 17, 2021:
Monday through Friday:
  • Continue waterline work throughout the project limits
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.
Wednesday and Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
  • Installation of water line sleeve across VT Route 2/Industrial Avenue intersection
Traffic control will be present allowing for 1-way alternating traffic within this work area, motorists should expect delays.
Continued installation of water pipe followed by backfill excavated area

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 10, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Continue waterline work within the Industrial Avenue intersection on the south side of Route 2 proceeding east.
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.
Completion of waterline crossing over Engineers Drive

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 10, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Continue waterline work within the Industrial Avenue intersection on the south side of Route 2 proceeding east.
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.

Continue waterline work on the south side of US Route 2 with cones shifting traffic
The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 3, 2021:
Monday 3:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
  • The main entrance to Engineers Drive will be closed to motorists to allow for the waterline installation.
Monday through Friday:
  • Continue waterline work on the south side of Route 2 working from west to east.
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area.
Continue waterline work on the south side of US Route 2 with cones designated lane shifts

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 26, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Continue waterline work on the south side of Route 2 working from west to east.
Motorist can expect traffic control allowing for construction vehicles in/out of the work area. PLEASE FOLLOW THE POSTED SPEED LIMITS!
                                   Continue waterline work on the south side of US Route 2

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 19, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Continue waterline work on the south side of Route 2 working from west to east.
Motorist can expect minimal impact on the traffic within the work area. PLEASE FOLLOW THE POSTED SPEED LIMITS!

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 12, 2021:


Monday through Friday:
  • Continue water line work on the south side of Route 2 working from west to east.
  • Continue erosion control measures throughout the project limits

Motorist can expect minimal impact on the traffic within the work area. PLEASE FOLLOW THE POSTED SPEED LIMITS!

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, April 1, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Continue water line work on the south side of Route 2 at the west end of the project, near the Williston/So. Burlington town line.
  • Project delineation and erosion control measures to be installed throughout the project limits
Wednesday through Friday:
  • Tree removal within the State Right of Way within the Industrial Avenue section.​

Motorist can expect minimal impact on the traffic within the work area. PLEASE FOLLOW THE POSTED SPEED LIMITS!

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, March 29, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Continue water line work on the south side of Route 2 at the west end of the project, near the Williston/So, Burlington town line.

​​Motorists can expect minimal impact on the traffic within the work area.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, March 22, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Water line work on the south side of Route 2 at the west end of the project, near the Williston/So, Burlington town line.

​​Motorists can expect intermediate impact on the traffic within the work area.

The following is the anticipated work schedule for the week beginning Monday, March 15, 2021:

Monday through Friday:
  • Installation of construction signs
  • Tree cutting
Traffic control will be present allowing for one lane of alternating traffic within the work area.