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Case Studies of Communities of Less Than 10,000 People with Bicycle & Pedestrian Infrastructure

As featured in the February 22, 2022 Research and Innovation Newsletter: Lessons learned from case studies can inspire and support small rural communities in implementing their own multimodal facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians.

Brief Project Description: More than eighty-four percent of cities and towns in the United States have fewer than 10,000 people. In Vermont, this percent is significantly higher at ninety-seven percent. Therefore, for the U.S. to achieve a multi-modal system, it is imperative to understand the experience of small communities that have successfully implemented bicycle and/or pedestrian infrastructure. Case studies of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure within five states, representing five regions within the U.S. (northeast, north-central, south-gulf, south-Atlantic and the west) were developed. This presentation will highlight how communities were identified in each state and present findings from Vermont.


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Final Report

Presenter: Natalie Villwock-Witte, Montana State University (