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Vermont has an extensive multimodal transportation system. With oversight from the Vermont Legislature, the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) is responsible for planning, development, implementation, and maintenance of a variety of transportation infrastructure including, but not limited to, roads, bridges, state-owned railroads, airports, park and ride facilities, bicycle facilities, pedestrian paths, public transportation facilities and services, and Department of Motor Vehicles operations and motor carrier enforcement. VTrans serves the entire population of the State of Vermont.

VTrans has more than 1,200 employees organized in four divisions: Policy, Planning and Intermodal Development; Finance and Administration; Highway; and District Maintenance and Fleet. The Department of Motor Vehicles is also housed within the Agency of Transportation; it has a main office in Montpelier and ten satellite offices statewide.

VTrans interacts with all State agencies and agencies within the United States Department of Transportation, as well as other federal agencies, numerous regional and state governments, international jurisdictions and cross-border organizations, local governments, transit agencies, airports, railroads, and the other private and non-profit entities engaged in transportation-related activities.


The Highway Division of VTrans is organized into four bureaus: Construction & Materials, Operations & Safety, Project Delivery, and Asset Management. Together, the Highway bureaus provide data driven recommendations for investment or asset improvements; engineering design for transportation infrastructure, acquisition of real estate property and minimizing resources impacts for transportation projects; oversight for construction projects; ensure of the quality of materials; provide grants and technical support for municipal projects; provide information to the traveling public on road conditions; and inspect and maintain bridges, culverts, signs, and signals.

The Division of Policy, Planning and Intermodal Development (PPID) oversees major non-highway transportation modes including state-owned rail lines, nine stateowned airports, and public transit providers. In addition to providing statewide planning and policy support, the division works with Vermont’s eleven Regional Planning Commissions and, in the Burlington region, the Metropolitan Planning Organization to develop regional transportation plans and generate input on prioritizing transportation projects in the regions. The division’s work is also supported by public input from the Rail Advisory Council, Aviation Advisory Council, and the Public Transit Advisory Council. PPID also is the lead on research, mapping, development review, and public outreach.

The Division of Finance and Administration provides services across the agency to support the activities that deliver on the mission of VTrans including contract administration, information technology, continuous improvement, accounting, budgeting, audit, civil rights, labor compliance, and recruitment. As in all aspects of our work, state and federal statutes provide the guidance and boundaries for Finance and Administration’s work. The transportation budget is composed of Federal, State, and Local funds. Federal fund sources come from the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Federal Railroad Administration, Federal National Highway Safety Administration, and the Federal Aviation Administration. State funds are appropriated from the State Transportation Fund. The State Transportation revenues are derived primarily from three sources: the gas tax, the purchase and use tax, and Department of Motor Vehicle fees.