Brad McAvoy, Facilities Manager
Vermont Agency of Transportation
Barre City Place
219 North Main Street | Barre, VT 05641
Phone: (802) 249-1942
The Agency of Transportation's Internal Service Staff is responsible for providing essential support services to employees and organizational units within the agency. These services ensure the smooth operation of day-to-day activities by addressing critical operational needs which include mail, shipping, employee badges, office supplies, photocopiers, addressing building related issues, office seating, and cellular devices. Contact for support or call Internal Services Manager Phil Dessureau at 802-917-6538.
The Records Management Team is here to help with all of your questions and quandaries relating to public records, file management, and more. We provide support to all areas of the Agency in determining best practices and legal requirements for handling the Agency's records. We work closely with the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration (VSARA) to apply the Statewide RIM (Records and Information Management) Program, and we can help you develop guidelines and processes for your team on how best to manage your records. We also handle Public Records Requests from members of the public. In addition to all this, we offer Reprographics services - from business cards to posters to pamphlets! You can also contact us if you have questions or concerns about the copiers at your office. Contact for records support; contact for print jobs; and direct the public to for any Public Records Requests. You can also contact Allison Reilly directly at 802-279-2197. We look forward to working with you!
2025 AOT Space Book
Facilities Management provides services to the entire Agency related primarily to making repairs and renovations to existing VTrans buildings, and to managing new VTrans building projects including maintenance facilities and salt sheds. The section also provides assistance to the Aviation, Rail, and Dept. of Motor Vehicles Divisions as it relates to facilities. This section also provides information to municipalities in the form of providing sample plans for salt/sand sheds, cold storage buildings, and maintenance garages. Any municipal requests for information or plans related to such facilities should be addressed to either Brad McAvoy at 802-249-1942 or Tim French at 802-224-6593.