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Photos -

Pre Construction - Construction - Post Construction


Pre-Construction Photos

Pre-construction trail conditions featuring overgrown vegetation, rough and uneven terrain, and drainage and slope issues.

Typical existing trail condition in Wolcott, Vermont.

Typical existing trail condition in Walden, Vermont.

Typical trail condition in Morristown, Vermont prior to the construction of that segment of trail.

Typical existing trail condition in Fairfield, Vermont.

Typical existing trail condition in Bakersfield, Vermont.

Constructed trail repair of a culvert wash out meeting an existing segment.

Deteriorated deck on a bridge located along the LVRT in Fairfield, Vermont

Deteriorated deck of Bridge 41 across the Lamoille River in Hardwick.

Existing bridge deck and approach repairs along the LVRT.

Existing condition of the superstructure and deck of Bridge 93 across the Missisquoi River in Sheldon, VT.

Existing condition of the superstructure and substructure of Bridge 93 across the Missisquoi River in Sheldon, VT.

Existing stone cattle pass along the trail, partially filled with sediment.

Construction Photos

Newly installed culvert in Swanton.

Newly installed culvert in Swanton.

Back fill of excavated trench for the installation of a new culvert in Swanton.

Excavated trench for the installation of a new culvert in Swanton.

Installation of the new culvert in Swanton.

Constructing bridge 27 with new deck, railings, and signage along the LVRT.

Post-Construction Photos

Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) Vermont members participating in a walk and talk tour with VAST’s Ken Brown of a completed segment of the LVRT in Morristown.

WTS Vermont walk and talk tour investigate one of the many existing stone culverts of the LVRT in Morristown near the Route 15A crossing.

Completed segment of trail.

New bridge deck, railings, and signage along a completed segment of the LVRT.

New bridge superstructure and substructure repairs at bridge 68 in Cambridge.

Completed trail repair after a wash out.

New bridge deck and railings along a completed segment of the LVRT.

Completed segment of trail.


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Elisabeth Sundberg
Public Information Consultant