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Stabilized Agent Selection for Reclaimed Stabilize Base Projects in Vermont

As featured in the August 23, 2021 Research and Innovation Newsletter: Developing guidelines to determine applicability and/or benefits of different stabilizers used in asphalt road reconstruction.

Brief Project Description: Reclaimed Stabilized Base (RSB), also known as FDR is a frequently used method of roadway rehabilitation, thanks to its economic and environmental advantages. Tailored to local aggregate resources and climatic conditions, chemical or bituminous stabilizing agents are utilized to achieve the desired pavement(NCHRP, 2009). Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) and researchers at the University of Vermont collaboratively explored suitability of additives considering the type and gradation of the soil encountered in VT . Benefits and optimum range of stabilizing agents, namely, cement, asphalt emulsion and calcium chloride to be used with local aggregates were established recommendations were provided to VTrans.


Fact Sheet     Video     Other     Q&A

Presenter: Ali Khorasani, UVM

VTrans Project Page with Final Report

2020 Symposium Page