The project team is issuing weekly Construction Updates via email highlighting the upcoming week’s construction activities and anticipated impacts during active construction. The project also issues Project Announcements and Traffic Alerts to the project stakeholder list to share important milestones and any schedule changes. Click here to sign up to receive these updates directly in your inbox.
You can also sign up by contacting the project’s Public Information Team at 802-595-4399 or and providing your email address. Periodic updates will also be posted on VTAlert, Front Porch Forum, and VTrans social media channels.
Latest Project Update
DATE: Friday, March 21, 2025
TRAFFIC IMPACT AND DURATION: From Monday, March 24, through Friday, March 28, Interstate 89 (I-89) will be intermittently reduced to a single lane in both directions near Exit 17 during off-peak hours: 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. on I-89 northbound and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on I-89 southbound.
The I-89 northbound off-ramp slip lane to U.S. Route 2 (U.S. 2) westbound will remain closed 24/7. Motorists can turn right or left onto U.S. 2 at the signalized intersection.
Motorists should slow down, use caution, and pay attention to road signs while traveling through the work zone.
CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: Next week, crews will mobilize to the project area for the 2025 construction season, install temporary traffic control message boards, signage, and devices, conduct general clean-up, and complete line striping along the I-89 southbound deceleration lane and off-ramp.
Crews will mobilize to the Exit 17 interchange along I-89 in Colchester, VT next week.
Past Project Updates