End-of-Season Survey Announcement
Share your feedback with VTrans!
The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) is launching an end-of-season survey for the Colchester Exit 17 Project.
Construction began in early May 2024, focusing on widening U.S. 7. Between May and December 2024, crews also widened U.S. 2 near the I-89 southbound ramps, constructed a new I-89 southbound deceleration lane and off-ramp to U.S. 2, reconstructed the U.S. 2 westbound slip lane to I-89 southbound and constructed portions of the new gravel wetland along U.S. 2 and the new I-89 southbound on-ramp for U.S. 2 westbound. Additionally, crews constructed portions of the new U.S. 2 bridge substructure, including pile installation, geotechnical work, and the construction of bridge abutments and piers.
Work was completed Sunday through Friday during daytime and nighttime hours, under single-lane closures with alternating one-way traffic on U.S. 2 and U.S. 7 and single-lane closures on I-89 at Exit 17 during non-peak commute times. The installation of the structural steel girders for the new U.S. 2 bridge required approximately 5 nights of full interstate closures with detour routes. Construction will resume in early 2025 and is expected to be completed by summer 2026.
VTrans seeks your feedback on the construction impacts and public outreach during the 2024 construction season. Please take a moment to share your experiences with the Project Team.
The survey will close on Friday, January 31.
We appreciate your feedback!
Project Overview
The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) is improving the interchange at Interstate 89 (I-89) Exit 17 and the Chimney Corner intersection of U.S. Route 2 (U.S. 2) and U.S. Route 7 (U.S. 7) to enhance safety and mobility in Colchester, Vermont. Key project elements include:
- Replacing aging and deteriorating infrastructure through the full replacement of the existing U.S. 2 bridge over Interstate 89 (I-89).
- Extending the deceleration lane of the I-89 northbound off-ramp.
- Reconstructing the I-89 southbound off-ramp to make space for a new I-89 southbound on-ramp for U.S. 2 westbound.
- Eliminating the left-turn conflict point for westbound vehicles accessing I-89 southbound and reducing queuing and backups on U.S. 2 with a new I-89 southbound on-ramp.
- Improving the intersection of the I-89 northbound off-ramp at U.S. 2, including adding a U.S. 2 eastbound left-turn-only lane to increase capacity and reduce queuing and backups on the interstate.
- Widening the roadway to accommodate additional turning lanes on U.S. 2 eastbound and U.S. 7 northbound, to address queuing and delays at the U.S. 2 and U.S. 7 intersection.
Project Area
The project area includes the segment of U.S. 2 beginning just east of Jasper Mine Road and extending just under a half mile east to its intersection with U.S. 7 at Chimney Corner and the segment of U.S. 7 beginning just south of the Shell gas station/Simon’s Chimney Corner Store and extending just over a half mile north to its intersection with Wiley Road. The Exit 17 interstate ramps and the portion of I-89 bound by them.
Project Quick Facts
Contract Award: February 22, 2024
Target Construction Schedule: Spring 2024 – Summer 2026
Projected Completion: Summer 2026
Project Designer: VHB
Project Contractor: Kubricky-Jointa Lime LLC
Estimated Project Cost: $31,760,442.50
Funding: 100% federal funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration’s Programs
Stay Informed
The Colchester Exit 17 Project will be constructed over three seasons, starting in Spring 2024 and continuing through Summer 2026. The project team is issuing weekly Construction Updates via email highlighting the upcoming week’s construction activities and anticipated impacts. The project also issues Project Announcements and Traffic Alerts to the project stakeholder list to share important milestones and any schedule changes. To sign up to receive these updates directly in your inbox, fill out the form below:
Sign up to receive updates about the Colchester Exit 17 Project
Contact the Public Information Team
If you have questions or concerns regarding the Colchester Exit 17 project, please contact the project’s Public Information Team at:
- Email: info@ColchesterExit17.com
- 24-Hour Project Hotline: 802-595-4399