VTrans manages a variety of strategies aimed at maximizing traveler choices and maintains active transportation and shared mobility options that are less reliant on fossil fuels. This is called Transportation Demand Mangement or TDM.
VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Grant Program aims to provide safe and convenient facilities to support active transportation.
Go! Vermont is an effort to get commuters out of single-occupancy vehicles into carpooling, ridesharing, public transit, and alternative modes of transportation. Every mile not driven is a win for the environment!
Park-and-Rides encourage commuters to carpool or take the bus by providing safe roadside parking in convenient locations. Many Vermonters live miles from the nearest city or town center, so taking a bus all the way to work isn’t an option. However, a Park-and-Ride location near you might help reduce the miles you put on a personal vehicle and save on gas money.
VTrans Complete Streets policy was enacted by the Legislature in 2011 to ensure transportation design considers the needs of all users. Creating better infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists supports active and public transportation and reduces trip-making in personal automobiles.
VTrans Public Transit Section provides financial and technical assistance to various transit authorities around the state, while also working to electrify public transit fleets.
VTrans oversees Vermont’s rail systems, ensuring the safe transportation of passengers and goods. Amtrak passenger rail offers a less energy-intensive method of travel for passengers, while freight rail can transport goods long distances across the region more efficiently than alternatives such as heavy-duty tractor-trailers.
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