Please review the following letter for information regarding the extension of Annual Prequalification expirations.
VTrans Secretary Letter - 2021 Prequalification
April 1, 2021
In Spring of 2021, the phased implementation of the new Electronic Bidding Subsystem (EBS) of the Construction Management System (CMS) powered by Exevision, was rolled-out by the Vermont Agency of Transportation to replace the Bid Express bidding system. The goal of the Construction Management System (CMS) Replacement Project was to replace the aging AASHTOWare client/server software that was used by VTrans.
Please direct any questions related to the iCX Web System to: AOT.CMSAdmins@vermont.gov
Request Login for Initial Username to iCX Web System
CLICK HERE: Request Login to iCX Web
One Request Per Company
Access to iCX Web System
IMPORTANT NOTICE - As of 8/9/2023, DBB Plans must be downloaded by logging in to the iCX Web System. Downloading Plans will add your company name on the Projects' Planholder Lists. To Download Plans: Log into iCX System, click on Menu, click on Contract Preview, and press the Download Plans button.
Currently Advertised AOT Construction Contracts