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Cost-Effective Rapid-Setting Concrete for Improved Bridge Joint Performance

Brief Project Description: Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) was an early adopter of the accelerated bridge construction (ABC) approach and has led the nation in using ABC to successfully deliver bridge construction and reconstruction projects. While ABC projects enjoy high material quality due to a large fraction of precast and prefabricated elements, connections between these elements must be placed in-situ. These are often treated as a “weak-link” in the ABC approach due to potential risk for inferior performance. VTrans has adopted the use of rapid-setting concrete (RSC) for construction of connections between precast elements in ABC. There is need for assessing durability and structural performance of current RSC used in ABC connections. Further, there is also need to explore developing standard RSC mix design to ensure quality and lower costs.


Fact Sheet     Video     Other     Q&A

Presenter: Ehsan Dave, UNH

VTrans Project Page