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Job Site Posters

Required Federal Poster Package:

The following information package must be posted on all federal-aid projects.

Other Required Posters

Job Site Posters Questions and Answers - with examples!

The contractor is responsible for printing the posters and filling out any required information before posting. Display your job site posters, including all pages of the wage rates, in an outside location where they can be seen easily by all employees. If your project does not have a job office due to the nature of the work and/or the length of the contract, the posters must be displayed at the home office where hiring is conducted and each employee must be provided copies of all the notices or posters and sign a statement acknowledging they received them. Please remember to provide copies of the wage rates to ALL of your sub-contractors.

For more information contact:
Sonya Boisvert
Civil Rights Program Manager
(802) 279-1330