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Bituminous Concrete Materials

The Bituminous Concrete Material Unit maintains a Performance Graded (PG) Binder Laboratory and Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Laboratory, both accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP). The PG Binder laboratory supports the Vermont Agency of Transportation projects assuring that the PG Binder and Emulsified Asphalt used are in compliance with VTrans Specifications. The PG Binder and HMA laboratories provide Certification and Independent Assurance testing for Bituminous Concrete materials.
The HMA laboratory provides analytical support to the Construction & Materials Bureau and the rest of VTrans. In addition to quality assurance testing of contractor produced HMA, the laboratory conducts investigative testing and research and evaluates materials used in our highways. These testing contribute to the quality and longevity of our transportation infrastructure. The HMA laboratory evaluates bituminous concrete mix designs, sources of materials and other products used in the production of bituminous concrete used by VTrans.


Dr. Ian Anderson, Ph. D

HMA Materials Manager
Phone: (802) 272-5568

Troy Lawson

HMA Lab Supervisor
Phone: (802) 828-6925

Katrina Collins

HMA Field Unit Supervisor
Phone: (802) 279-1748