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Approved Materials, Products, Producers, & Laboratories

Aggregate Source Program linkNew Products Program


The Approved Materials, Products, Producers, & Laboratories (AMPPL) listings are for the respective categories in accordance with VTrans Standard Specifications and applicable approval guidelines. Note: The Approved Aggregate Source List is not included in the AMPPL but can be found in the Aggregate Source Program linked above. Additionally, materials and products that do not conform the VTrans Standard Specifications for Construction are not eligible for the AMPPL but can be submitted under the New Products Program also linked above.

Choose the list you'd like to search below, then set the filter criteria to see matching products. To make the tool bigger, click the expand icon in the lower right corner of the frame. 
Questions can be sent to the Quality Assurance Unit via email at:

Note: Distributor Name and Distributor Address provided for convenience only. Approved products may be obtained from any distributor.