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Access Management Resources

VTrans works with Zoning Administrators and Planning Commissions in the interest of making coordinated decisions that benefit the applicant and local and state governments. The Agency is working to improve that relationship and provide communities with ongoing information concerning access to properties and preserving a safe travel environment through access management.

Tools, Techniques and Sample Regulations

Tools and Techniques

Sample Regulations

Vermont Access Management Best Practices

Learn best access management practices for the state of Vermont, including a roadway classification system and an implementation toolbox.  Three community types have been developed to assist communities in determining what access management techniques can be applied at a local level. Download Vermont Access Management Best Practices

VTrans Access Management Program Guidelines 

The VTrans Access Management Program Guidelines outlines an access classification system and standards to ensure consistency in the permitting process. The standards for each category provide VTrans with the parameters necessary to apply consistent permitting conditions based on a uniform classification system of all State Highways.

VTrans Access Management Program Guidelines

Statewide Highway Classification Map

Statewide Highway Classifications by Region

Developer Brochure

VTrans has created a brochure which directly addresses many of the access management questions and concerns of developers and business owners. View brochure.

Permitting Flow Chart

This flow chart describes the process of applying for a VTrans Highway Access Permit. A Highway Access Permit is required whenever a property owner/developer wishes to access state maintained highways. View flow chart.

Access Management Guidebook

The Access Management Guidebook was developed for the Northwest Regional Planning Commission in 1996. The book contains land use strategies and techniques to improve access management. To request a copy, please contact your Regional Planning Commission or VTrans and ask for the Access Management Guidebook – By Elizabeth Humstone and Julie Campoli, Northwest Regional Planning Commission, 1996.

Transportation Research Board (TRB) Access Management Committee

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is a division of the National Research Council, which serves as an independent adviser to the federal government and others on scientific and technical questions of national importance. The TRB Access Management Committee advances the state-of-the-practice in access management and promotes its integration into established planning, policy and design processes by providing innovative leadership, creating far-reaching partnerships, and sharing the latest knowledge, expertise and experience. The Committee's Access Management Manual contains techniques for implementation, as well as guidance on how to develop and administer effective access management programs. Visit TRB Access Management Committee website.