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Contact Us

Logo of the Shelburne Street roundabout project in Burlington, VT

Our public outreach team is leading public involvement activities for the Shelburne Street Roundabout Project. They are working closely with Burlington DPW, VTrans and area stakeholders to deliver accurate, clear and timely project information.

The team is committed to an open and inclusive public engagement process. There are many ways to learn more about the Shelburne Street Roundabout Project and stay informed. The team welcomes questions and comments by email, or by calling our project hotline.

Weekly project updates are distributed via email throughout construction. To join the email list, simply sign up with your email address below.  Periodic updates are also being posted on VTAlert, Front Porch Forum, and Burlington DPW social media pages. 

Email the Public Outreach Team:
Hotline: 802-496-8956


Blasting Update

No additional blasting operations are anticipated.