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Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement allows us to identify and develop new approaches for solving new and persistent challenges to improve our services for the public and meet the needs of Vermonters. Research has shown that a strong culture of continuous improvement delivers many organizational benefits.

Continuous Improvement

Vermont's Agency of Transportation is committed to organizational improvement and innovation. In 2015, the Performance, Innovation, and Efficiency Bureau was created. Over the last 9 years, this section has focused on both Continuous Improvement methodologies and data-driven decision-making. In 2024, the Bureau of Innovation, Learning, and Development (BuILD) was created to better support initiatives with change management and staff development expertise in alignment with the Statewide focus on continuous improvement.

Continuous improvement allows us to identify and develop new approaches for solving new and persistent challenges to improve our services to the public and meet the needs of Vermonters. Research has shown that a strong culture of continuous improvement delivers many organizational benefits including improved moral, engaged employees and better outcomes.

The Continuous Improvement section now facilitates a wide variety of internal improvement efforts such as:

  • Efficiencies in Business Processes
  • Strategic Planning Facilitation
  • Standard Work Documentation
  • Internal Coaching and Consulting for innovation and sustainable improvements  

The Continuous Improvement section is also charged with fostering a culture of innovation across the Agency.

What is innovation?

Innovation is the process of bringing about new ideas, methods, products, services, or solutions that have a significant positive impact and value. It involves transforming creative concepts into tangible outcomes that improve efficiency, and effectiveness, or address unmet needs. Innovation leads to piloting and implementing ideas that create value for the Agency of Transportation and the traveling public we serve. 

Why innovate?

Government must operate effectively and efficiently to deliver today’s services and plan for tomorrow.

Government agencies are facing multiple challenges from dwindling budgets, increased citizen expectations, and morphing societal needs. In response, leaders increasingly see innovation as a mindset and process to help solve problems and improve the lives of the people they serve.

What does innovation look like and how does a culture of innovation develop?

Innovations come in all different shapes and sizes—from free quick wins to larger-scale initiatives. By utilizing cross functional teams, effective solutions can address multiple needs and provide improved collaboration.

Interested in learning more about innovation and improvement at the Agency of Transportation? Contact: