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Corridor Planning Logo featuring a paved road, rolling hills, a bridge over a river, and a town off in the distance.

Working together towards a safe, multi-modal roadway

Corridor planning involves many partners and stakeholders working with VTrans to identify transportation needs and issues along a defined stretch of roadway.  It involves a range of VTrans staff, other state agencies, towns, Regional Planning Commissions, local organizations, residents and businesses.

The goal is to incorporate the needs and issues into upcoming VTrans projects and maintenance work, as well as existing projects of other partners.  This plan focuses on what can be accomplished within five years or less, although some next steps may take longer to get started.

For more information about what the Corridor Plans are and how they are developed, please visit our “Quick Guide”. Click on one of the following corridor plan links to see an example.

Quick Guide to Corridor Planning

Current Corridor Plans

US 4 - Hartford to Woodstock (underway 2022)

US 7 – Milton to Georgia (underway 2021)

VT 9 - Bennington to Brattleboro (2021)

VT 30 – Brattleboro to Winhall (2021)

VT 100 and 108 - Waterbury, Stowe and Morrisville (2018)

US 7 Roadway Master Plan – Georgia (2019)

VT 108 Mountain Road Village Master Plan (2018)

Archive of Older Corridor Management Plans

U.S. 4 Corridor Management Plan - Hartford (2008)

VT 103 Corridor Management Plan - Chester and Rockingham (2009)

U.S. 7 Corridor Management Plan - Rutland Town and Clarendon (2009)

Other Corridor Projects

Vergennes Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) Study (underway)

Vermont Route 22A Corridor Projects


For more information, contact:
Matthew Arancio