The following Title VI resources are made available to the general public and all Agency of Transportation direct recipients, subrecipients, and other transportation stakeholders to further educate all interested parties of the purpose, spirit, intent, and regulatory requirements provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
FHWA Office of Civil Rights Title VI Toolkit
- Title VI - Basics Fact sheet
- Title VI - Implementation Plans Fact sheet
- Title VI - Goals and Accomplishment Reports Fact sheet
- Title VI - Types of Discrimination Fact sheet
- Ensuring Compliance through reviews fact sheet
- Data Collection Walk through for Data.Census.Gov
- Limited English Proficiency Data Collection Walk through for Data.Census.Gov
FHWA Title VI Presentations
- Title VI - Essentials
- Title VI - Data collection
- Intro to Title VI Reviews
- Writing effective Title VI Plans
- Title VI Complaints
- Title VI - Intentional Discrimination and Disparate Impact
Public Funds for Public Benefit: Subrecipient's Guide to Implement Title VI
For Further Information Contact: