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VTrans Standards
For a list of VTrans Standards with their approval dates and owners in order by standard click here. This is an Excel document.
If a standard download link is unavailable, the standard has been updated and has not been reposted. Please contact the standard owner for information on how to obtain the latest approved standard in electronic format.
Standards Owner | Description |
Design | Drainage Features, Curbs, Guardrail, Fence, etc. |
Materials & Research | Settlement Platforms, Piezometers |
Rail-Air | Rail Crossings, Airports |
Structures | Bridge Rail, Retaining Walls, Snow Fence |
Traffic & Safety | Signs, Lines, Signals |
Utilities | Development Roads, Drives, Underground Utilities |
Local Transportation Facilities | Shared Use Path, Rail Trail, Path/Highway Intersection Details |
All VTrans Standards | List all VTrans standards alphabetically by owner then standard |