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Landscape Architecture

The VTrans Landscape Architect is part of the Green Infrastructure Team and is the Agency-wide resource for landscape and vegetation matters, sustainable design, bio-engineering and green stormwater infrastructure working with highway and bridge design, right of way, and municipally managed projects and District Operations. The Landscape Architect serves as the primary support for landscape and vegetation related policy and design issues from the planning, resource identification, site assessment in the conceptual design phase through to final and construction plans and on-site inspection. The Landscape Architect also represents the Agency on related inter-Agency committees.

Landscape Architect
Bonnie Kirn Donahue
Phone: (802) 793-1583

VTrans Resources


Pedestrian Realm

Pollinator Plantings

Garden Resources

Introduced Weed (Invasive) Species

Other Resources* (the following legacy documents may contain some outdated information, but still provide value for reference)